Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Learn Like a Pirate---Chapter 5: The R {Responsibility}

We all want our students to be more responsible and self regulators (another one of our 21st century competencies!)

Answer these questions posed by the author:

  1. What tasks do you currently do that you know could be done by your students? How might you hand these tasks over to them? 
  2. Can you identify some "collaborative responsibilities" in your classroom that all students can share? 
  3. By the end of the year do you think your students could be successful leading a "silent day"? IF not, what can you change to ensure its success?
  4. Why should collaborative classrooms avoid allowing individual students to take on too many responsibilities?
  5. What daily or weekly activities in your classroom are routines? What activities are rituals? 
  6. What ritualistic activities can your students handle successfully without your assistance (both procedural and academic? Would any of these academic rituals make good activities to good activities to do with substitute. 

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